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Just a Taste of What You'll Find in Your Copy When You Download Your Order...

Just a Taste of What You'll Find in Your Copy When You Download Your Order Below...

  • How a parents influence is more powerful on determining your leadership future than most imagine (find it on pg. 22)
  • Keeping this closed more than open will enable you to lead more effectively than any of your peers. Revealed on pg. 82
  • Is it possible to self-evaluate to determine your leadership future from your time growing up? See pg. 24 for the answer
  • Proof that even people with irrational, uncontrollable fears can become highly successful leaders (see pg. 18)
  • Discover which leadership sphere is the "route of propelling ahead where others languished or failed." The answer's on pg. 30
  • You must have this to make sphere-3 a massive success no one will question. See the secret ingredient on pg. 60
  • The 2-key sub-principles that guarantee sphere-3's leadership influence. Without them, you'll only struggle more (found on pg. 62)
  • Discover what leadership sphere is critical to successfully trusting your instincts in even the most high pressure moments you can imagine. (on pg. 50)
  • If you don't have this one thing, you'll likely never achieve the leadership levels and success you seek. (Find it on pg. 115)
  • How to apply the leadership principles (spheres) and get the best results, fast (see pg. 30) logo

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